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Salesforce Commerce Cloud Account Manager Release 1.31.106

The SFCC B2C Account Manager release 1.31.106 has been made available on January 11, 2023.

In addition to a number of bug fixes and security improvements, here are the three main changes:

  1. New Multi-Factor Authentication Error Message
  2. Use the Last Log In Date to Track User Activity
  3. Prevent Org Invitations to Deleted Users

1. New Multi-Factor Authentication Error Message.

When a user tries to log in with an unsecure device during multi-factor authentication (MFA), Account Manager shows the following prescriptive error message: "Your log in request can't be completed. Set PIN, pattern or passcode to secure your mobile device and try again".

2. Use the Last Log In Date to Track User Activity.

The user's most recent login date is now shown on the Account Manager User Detail page. This date can be used by administrators to monitor user activity and spot inactive users.

3. Prevent Org Invitations to Deleted Users.

Deleted users can no longer be added to an organization. The following error notice appears when a removed user is attempted to be added: "Only enabled users can be invited into an organization".

For further information, check this Official link.