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Salesforce Commerce B2C SFRA v6.3.0

On November 17, 2022, the latest version of SFRA (Storefront Reference Architecture) was released, this version is v6.3.0. Below you can read a summary of the main changes and a link to the specific repository for this version (accessible only to SFCC customers and partners)

Main changes come from the plugin_slas cartridge, some of these modifications are:

  • Add support for ECOM 18.10
  • Run login flows only if request method is 'GET'
  • Document allow listing POD IP address
  • Fix cart merge error due to session bridge failing when client IP header

Here you can get the complete Change-List for the plugin_slas cartridge. 

For more detailed information, follow this link to the Official SFRA Release v6.30 (accessible only to SFCC customers and partners)

Updating to this latest version is recommended for all feasible projects as well as new SFRA-based implementations.